Thursday, May 19, 2016


I was honored this morning to walk in to one of ABC Preschool and Kindergarten's last class of Gymnastics's class for the day. Mr. Ritchie, ABC Preschool and Kindergarten's Gymnastics Instructor, was full of joy as he welcomed Classroom #2 along with their teacher Ms. Jeru and Assistant Teacher, Ms. Bella. Our Early Childhood preschool has a wonderful program where students experience an amazing Gymnastics Experience with Mr. Ritchie, who is also a seasoned instructor at Lana's Gymnastics.


Today he was showing them what it looks like to balance. He stretched his arms out and explained what he was doing. He stood in perfect formation and began to rock back and forth, back and forth, asking the children to repeat the new words with him. He told them they were on a boat and that all around them there was an ocean of water. So, their job would be to make sure they could stay (balance themselves) on the boat. If not, they would fall, "PLOP!" into the water.

As he invited children, in groups of two, he instructed them once again to put their arms out, nice and straight, and open their legs wide so that it would be easier to stand and balance themselves. "Ok, my little coconuts, let's see who is ready to come up?" Mr. Ritchie calls out to his "coconuts" and "tomatoes", making students laugh when he says that. It is a fun time for all ABC Preschool and Kindergarten students on their scheduled Gymnastics day. 


One of my favorite parts for each moment the students came up was how he used his creativity to help children feel safe and comfortable while they were balancing. He softly rocked students back and forth to see if they could stay on for 5 counts. Then, his story changed to, "Oh, Oh, there's a storm coming!" He made the sound of a soft printer and invited students to imitate the storm with him. 

The children had an amazing time joining him in making the noise of an oncoming storm.

As everyone joined in creating the atmosphere of the incoming storm, Mr. Ritchie gently rocked students as they did their best to balance. Here he rocked them a little and it was great fun to watch students clap, rejoice and enjoy watching their classmates either fall on their own or softly fall into the soft pretend water. "Hooray! Yeah!" the children sitting shouted. "That was fun! Can we do it again?" said the students that were returning to the line.


Students here at ABC Preschool and Kindergarten are fortunate to be enrolled in our educational center. Our program makes sure to develop the child as a whole, touching on all the different areas of child development from academic, to physical and the Arts. I wish as a child that I would have been able to be part of a classroom where there would have been some of the great moments I observed in today's Gymnastic class. As a parent, I also wish I would have know about such a balanced educational program found here in Queens-Woodside, NY.

 There's nothing better than looking at the precious smiles and listen to the genuine laughter that comes from a place, deep inside that says, "I am having so much fun!"

It is evident to see that our teachers here at ABC Preschool and Kindergarten, equally enjoy and have an amazing time when they're with our students.

If your child already attends ABC Preschool and Kindergarten, then you know your child is having an amazing time learning and developing. If your child is not a student here, then there is still time to call us, schedule a tour, and come see why I truly believe this is one of the best affordable childcare centers in Queens. 
Truly, the place to be!

Written by Angeline Duran

#abcpreschoolny #earlychildhood #abcpreschool #QueensNY #affordablechildcare #preschool #gymnastics #ABC #daycareny #childcareNY #angieduran

Monday, May 16, 2016



Walk into a classroom and tell children they're going to do math and most likely, you'll hear grumbling and feet stomping. Many students see math as boring, complicated and useless.

I invite you to come inside Ms. Sylvia's classroom. I'm pretty sure the music you here as you enter will give the impression a music class is going on. 

I invite you to go all the way inside. Do not stay by the door. You see, you have to see how children are being turned on to math by using different strategies and ideas. 

Today, students were on the floor keyboard, placing their feet on the keys that corresponded with the numbers that were on the Music Chart on the wall. One of the songs was, "Row, Row, Row you boat."

The chart had numbers for each word. Students had their eyes moving back and forth from the chart to the floor piano. 

As they pressed the correct keys, following the musical notes, they began making the sounds for the song. The more accurate students followed the chart, identifying the numbers and matching them to what was under their feet, the better the sound.

Look a little closer and you'll see the chart with numbers and words. All of these visuals work together to guide students in their next steps. These students are going to definitely have a greater appreciation for working with numbers as they enter PreK in September.

Math was fun and exciting in Ms. Sylvia's classroom. Students wanted to be next. Numbers grabbed their attention because those numbers told them that if you followed them, music would fill the classroom.

Students in Ms. Sylvia's class are truly ready for UPK. ABC Preschool has great teachers that are willing to go out of the box, out of the ordinary, and take students into the extraordinary, making learning and experiencing concepts a wonderful experience. 

  NYS Pre-K Standards
Music- 3c- Engages in music activities having different moods, tempos, and rhythms.
d- model with mathematics 
f-attend to precision
3- Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10; connect counting to cardinality (c) regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.
5- Domain 2- Physical Development- 2- Uses sensory information to plan and carry out movements, 3-Demontrates coordination and control of large muscles. 


Written By Angeline Duran