Wednesday, October 23, 2019



Students in Ms. Oriele's classroom were getting ready to create their own information booklets. They had just finished learning and reviewing the many topics in Transportation.

Students wait for last minute directions and ideas on what they can do when they begin to work on their books. I heard Ms. Oriele telling the children that they were not only going to be creating the front cover of their books, but also using the items/toys in front of them to draw with details and then afterwards, use those vehicles to paint the tracks

Wednesday, January 18, 2017



ABC Preschool had a special visit from The Chelsea Pediatric Dentistry School Program. Five of our classrooms were chosen to participate in a learning program on all about taking care of our teeth, what are the best foods to eat to keep our teeth happy and where to go for dental care. 

 Students in Ms. Lauren, Ms. Jeru, Ms. Tiana, Ms. Flor and Ms. Yana's classroom had a visit from the Dentist Dog who gave a demonstration on the correct way to brush your teeth, floss and even scrape your tongue.

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 It was great to see students so actively involved and answering some questions that I thought were a little hard for them, but they did it! 

 Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, child and indoor

At the end of each visit, the students were gifted a dental care packet with toothbrush, toothpaste and other goodies. 

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

 In two weeks, the other classes that didn't get to visit with this Dental Program will have their turn to enjoy the story and the games. I want to thank  the Dental program for the wonderful learning experience they brought to our school!

There's always something great getting ready to happen at ABC Preschool in Woodside, NY.

Monday, January 9, 2017


66-20 Laurel Hill Blvd. Woodside, NY 11377  718-672-2424

 ABC Preschool and Kindergarten in Woodside, NY has started the new year with great excitement! Teachers came ready filled with enthusiasm and prepared to dig deep into the themes for the upcoming months. The agenda is packed with hands on exploration, creative learning, questions to really get students to think about their responses, and learning centers that invite students to use their imagination while they play and learn.

 One of my favorite times of the day are early in the morning when teachers get ready to start their large group meeting, or what most of us know as Circle Time. Students are eager to share their morning news and get into the music and movement. But, perhaps one of the moments I personally think students are the most joyous during Circle Time is when they get to share their Home Connections projects. 

Home Connections are not your ordinary, old school homework. It is a carefully planned project, completed related to the month's theme and it requires whole family involvement for true success. The creativity and the quality of the projects that have been brought in are worthy to be displayed in a museum. Students are so ready to share what they did and how they put it together. Mornings in a wonderful time where songs come alive and learning is seen through the smiles the students wear during and after participation.


 What I like about the way teachers in ABC Preschool plan, is that they carefully plan their lessons after taking the time to assess and observe each student's needs and personal interest. I walk around and find one room with students sorting and classifying while another group is busy pretending to drive to the moon.

 I look back at how it all started just a few short months ago and I wish you could see through my eyes and listen through my ears. You would be amazed at the positive changes so many students have gone through. 

Children who were quiet and didn't want to participate are now anxious to talk, respond and tell others what the story is all about. Students that would just look at others and never join the fun are now leaders in the group showing another child how to make the wall higher or how to make the blocks roll. It's just amazing to see students developing at their pace, but truly growing!

 I never get tired of asking a child to share more with me when it comes to what they're doing. "Tell me something about what you are painting." A teacher will ask or I will ask and the child will tell you a story. "This is me and my mom in the park yesterday and I was going up the swings." 

"This is me and my grandma and my dad and my mom and this is a sun." "This is a sun." "This is an airplane and my mom." Yes, indeed. Those scribbles and those lines you see in their painting and their drawings all have a story. I wonder, do parents take the time to ask their children, "Hey, tell me something about what this means to you."

Yes! It's a new year. A year for laughter and more joy! A year for great explorations with our minds and our hands. A year to play in the sand and paint rainbows. It's a year to learn about making friends, saying, "Hello." and sharing. It's a great new year at ABC Preschool and I'm so glad that I get to see it all. I hope you stay and close and get to see all the wonderful things that are taking place and be ready for all the amazing things that are ready to come! It's been a great morning of remembering and I just couldn't keep it to myself. Until next time....

Written By Angeline Duran,
ABC Preschool & Kindergarten Director of Early Childhood Education

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


ABC Preschool and Kindergarten, NY: GREAT MOMENTS AT ABC PRESCHOOL IN WOODSIDE, NY: June has arrived and with it is has brought a reminder that our school year is quickly coming to an end. There are so ...


June has arrived and with it is has brought a reminder that our school year is quickly coming to an end. There are so many wonderful moments that come to mind as I sit here and meditate on all the great events that have taken place here at ABC Preschool & Kindergarten.

Students have worked on different kinds of  graphic organizers and experience charts.

Every teacher, every single one, has taken the time to plan in a way that makes learning a terrific hands on experience. Plans always include such details in regards to what children will be thinking about, exploring and discovering. From celebrating different cultures, to enjoying fun traditional moments as well.

Students in this Queens Preschool enjoyed music and movement in so many ways. We had Zumba, Freeze dance, and so many other ways of helping our students develop those muscles.

To celebrate all these great learning moments, I've decided to share some of the highlights, with hopes that you will join ABC Preschool & Kindergarten in celebrating one more fantastic year! I can truly say that students have grown academically, socially, and so many developmental milestones have been reached or surpassed by our students as well. 

Students experimented building and creating together. Students planned and explored multiple ways of putting their ideas together as a group.

Students in our ABC Preschool & Kindergarten NYC Department of Education UPK program have excelled. Many of them passed the Gifted and Talented test. We have students that have been accepted into some of the most prestigious preschool programs in NYC.

ABC Preschool celebrated Read Across America 2016. Students enjoyed Dr. Seuss's birthday through fun literacy projects throughout the week.

ABC Preschool put on a fun Egg Hunt in our beautiful backyard. I think it was the teachers that had the most fun watching students search and find colorful, treat filled eggs.

One more great moment was being part of the Week of The Young Child 2016. Students made their own tacos, made their own musical instruments for Music Day, and enjoyed sharing all about their favorites at the end of the week. It was a really fun event.

 We had mix and match day, crazy hat day, pajama day and dress up as your favorite character during ABC Preschool Spirit Week.

 Our caterpillars made their Chyrsalis and turned into beautiful butterflies that students and their teachers released in our playground. It was both a sad and happy moment as students wanted to keep the butterflies but also wanted them to go make friends and find their new home.

Well, the time has come for me to bring this walk down memory lane to a close. 
I hope you continue to visit our 
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There really is so much to say, but I'll end it this way, "Thank you teachers, for making this an incredible year for all our students." 

"Thank you, parents and caretakers, for bringing your children and trusting us to provide them with our very best." and "Thank you, each and every child that is part of our ABC Preschool & Kindergarten family. You make coming to work so worth while."

Written by Angeline Duran 


Thursday, May 19, 2016


I was honored this morning to walk in to one of ABC Preschool and Kindergarten's last class of Gymnastics's class for the day. Mr. Ritchie, ABC Preschool and Kindergarten's Gymnastics Instructor, was full of joy as he welcomed Classroom #2 along with their teacher Ms. Jeru and Assistant Teacher, Ms. Bella. Our Early Childhood preschool has a wonderful program where students experience an amazing Gymnastics Experience with Mr. Ritchie, who is also a seasoned instructor at Lana's Gymnastics.


Today he was showing them what it looks like to balance. He stretched his arms out and explained what he was doing. He stood in perfect formation and began to rock back and forth, back and forth, asking the children to repeat the new words with him. He told them they were on a boat and that all around them there was an ocean of water. So, their job would be to make sure they could stay (balance themselves) on the boat. If not, they would fall, "PLOP!" into the water.

As he invited children, in groups of two, he instructed them once again to put their arms out, nice and straight, and open their legs wide so that it would be easier to stand and balance themselves. "Ok, my little coconuts, let's see who is ready to come up?" Mr. Ritchie calls out to his "coconuts" and "tomatoes", making students laugh when he says that. It is a fun time for all ABC Preschool and Kindergarten students on their scheduled Gymnastics day. 


One of my favorite parts for each moment the students came up was how he used his creativity to help children feel safe and comfortable while they were balancing. He softly rocked students back and forth to see if they could stay on for 5 counts. Then, his story changed to, "Oh, Oh, there's a storm coming!" He made the sound of a soft printer and invited students to imitate the storm with him. 

The children had an amazing time joining him in making the noise of an oncoming storm.

As everyone joined in creating the atmosphere of the incoming storm, Mr. Ritchie gently rocked students as they did their best to balance. Here he rocked them a little and it was great fun to watch students clap, rejoice and enjoy watching their classmates either fall on their own or softly fall into the soft pretend water. "Hooray! Yeah!" the children sitting shouted. "That was fun! Can we do it again?" said the students that were returning to the line.


Students here at ABC Preschool and Kindergarten are fortunate to be enrolled in our educational center. Our program makes sure to develop the child as a whole, touching on all the different areas of child development from academic, to physical and the Arts. I wish as a child that I would have been able to be part of a classroom where there would have been some of the great moments I observed in today's Gymnastic class. As a parent, I also wish I would have know about such a balanced educational program found here in Queens-Woodside, NY.

 There's nothing better than looking at the precious smiles and listen to the genuine laughter that comes from a place, deep inside that says, "I am having so much fun!"

It is evident to see that our teachers here at ABC Preschool and Kindergarten, equally enjoy and have an amazing time when they're with our students.

If your child already attends ABC Preschool and Kindergarten, then you know your child is having an amazing time learning and developing. If your child is not a student here, then there is still time to call us, schedule a tour, and come see why I truly believe this is one of the best affordable childcare centers in Queens. 
Truly, the place to be!

Written by Angeline Duran

#abcpreschoolny #earlychildhood #abcpreschool #QueensNY #affordablechildcare #preschool #gymnastics #ABC #daycareny #childcareNY #angieduran