Tuesday, June 7, 2016


June has arrived and with it is has brought a reminder that our school year is quickly coming to an end. There are so many wonderful moments that come to mind as I sit here and meditate on all the great events that have taken place here at ABC Preschool & Kindergarten.

Students have worked on different kinds of  graphic organizers and experience charts.

Every teacher, every single one, has taken the time to plan in a way that makes learning a terrific hands on experience. Plans always include such details in regards to what children will be thinking about, exploring and discovering. From celebrating different cultures, to enjoying fun traditional moments as well.

Students in this Queens Preschool enjoyed music and movement in so many ways. We had Zumba, Freeze dance, and so many other ways of helping our students develop those muscles.

To celebrate all these great learning moments, I've decided to share some of the highlights, with hopes that you will join ABC Preschool & Kindergarten in celebrating one more fantastic year! I can truly say that students have grown academically, socially, and so many developmental milestones have been reached or surpassed by our students as well. 

Students experimented building and creating together. Students planned and explored multiple ways of putting their ideas together as a group.

Students in our ABC Preschool & Kindergarten NYC Department of Education UPK program have excelled. Many of them passed the Gifted and Talented test. We have students that have been accepted into some of the most prestigious preschool programs in NYC.

ABC Preschool celebrated Read Across America 2016. Students enjoyed Dr. Seuss's birthday through fun literacy projects throughout the week.

ABC Preschool put on a fun Egg Hunt in our beautiful backyard. I think it was the teachers that had the most fun watching students search and find colorful, treat filled eggs.

One more great moment was being part of the Week of The Young Child 2016. Students made their own tacos, made their own musical instruments for Music Day, and enjoyed sharing all about their favorites at the end of the week. It was a really fun event.

 We had mix and match day, crazy hat day, pajama day and dress up as your favorite character during ABC Preschool Spirit Week.

 Our caterpillars made their Chyrsalis and turned into beautiful butterflies that students and their teachers released in our playground. It was both a sad and happy moment as students wanted to keep the butterflies but also wanted them to go make friends and find their new home.

Well, the time has come for me to bring this walk down memory lane to a close. 
I hope you continue to visit our 
Don't forget our website www.abcpreschoolny.com

There really is so much to say, but I'll end it this way, "Thank you teachers, for making this an incredible year for all our students." 

"Thank you, parents and caretakers, for bringing your children and trusting us to provide them with our very best." and "Thank you, each and every child that is part of our ABC Preschool & Kindergarten family. You make coming to work so worth while."

Written by Angeline Duran 


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