Wednesday, December 23, 2015


ABC Preschool & Kindergarten Center
ABC Preschool & Kindergarten Center
Here at ABC Preschool and Kindergarten in Woodside, N.Y., we want to take the time to say, "Thank you." to all our families who continue to trust the care of their precious children into our hands. Each and every member of our ABC Preschool staff extends well wishes to each of our students and their families. We are grateful for your support.
We look forward to many great things happening in the new year. It is our hope and joy to celebrate each milestone, growth and achievement in your child's life alongside with you. Again, thank you for a great year in 2015. And, we will see you all again on Monday, January 4th, 2016.
Blog Written By Angeline M Duran

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Students in Ms. Alina and Ms. Nelly's classroom were having a blast when I entered on this rainy Tuesday morning. It was cloudy outside, but inside Ms. Alina's classroom, it was cheerful and warm.

Ms. Alina had on some great music that gave students specific movements to make and directions to follow. One of the hardest for some children was the part when the song said, "Freeze." It was great to observe how Ms. Alina goes out of her way to model and assist students to understand something that may be so simple for us as adults, such as dance and freeze, but an idea that is new for children. As the song progressed, more students were able to "freeze" on their own and Ms. Alina celebrated every milestone.

The next song also invited students to use their imagination and listening skills. The changes in the music directed students to move, walk or make certain sounds. Ms. Alina is hands on with each child, making sure they are not only completely engaged, but learning the vocabulary words along with the motions.

It may be a dreary day outside today, but there's great learning fun taking place in classroom #10.
Great job, Ms. Alina! It was such fun to be there today.

Our toddlers are getting ready for Preschool. If you look at the Standards, our teachers are really preparing them to meet goals in so many areas.
NYS Common Core- Domain 5- The Arts ( Dance/Creative Movement) Part 7e,f,g- Students demonstrate a wide variety of movements and positions, learn simple, repetitive dance steps and routines, and move in spontaneous and imaginative ways to music, songs, rhythm and silence.


Blog Written by Angeline M Duran


ABC Preschool offers multiple opportunities for age appropriate activities. Students are immersed in activities that help them develop according to their age and individual needs. One of the things I love about being a part of the ABC Preschool family, is being able to walk into a classroom and catch them in complete action. That's just what happened when I visited Ms. Sylvia and Ms. Lidiya's classroom.

The music was awesome! Ms. Sylvia was in high energy mode leading students in music and movement. Students were listening and following directions, moving to the music and moving different parts of their bodies while also being able to move to the left, the right, front or back. 

Are these skills necessary and important in child development? Absolutely!

NYS Common Core Page 44 states:It is also important to consider the impact that physical development has on learning. As coordination improves and bones grow, children can undertake increasingly complex physical endeavors. They learn to roll over, to scoot or crawl, to walk, to run, and so on.

So, why Zumba? When teachers make movement fun, including age appropriate music with some great moves, children are exercising and getting those muscles to work. Our music and movement program is just an extension of many different ways we help our students develop and get ready for their next level in development.

Today I saw Domain 2 part 6 (Physical Fitness-page 13) in action. Students were engaged in large motor activities, strengthening major muscles and promoting balance and flexibility. Hey, the atmosphere was fantastic and while I took photos to remember this moment, my feet couldn't stay still. So, if your children are in Ms. Sylvia's classroom, they've really had a fun workout. They finished creating a cocoon and then immersing into butterflies that flew away to their seats ready for their next level of development. Great job, Ms. Sylvia!!!

Blog written by Angeline M Duran

Monday, December 21, 2015


     This Monday morning in Ms. Samantha and Ms. Elena's classroom, we walk in to find students getting ready to enjoy a holiday favorite, "The Gingerbread Boy".
As I sat and enjoyed the conversations taking place, it was easy to tell that Ms. Samantha took her time preparing for today's read aloud. Her questions had students on their tippy toes, wanting to retell their favorite story part or what happened next.
It was easy to observe that students were really enjoying today's story. Their comprehension was evident through their responses and their own questions.

As December 2015 comes to an end, Teachers continue to give their students only the very best until their last day of class in 2015. From holiday classics to new literary treasures, our UPK teachers have truly planned a fantastic week for ABC Preschool students.

To learn more about holiday favorites to read with your child at home during this winter break, check out some of these links, or visit a library near you:


Blog Written By Angeline M Duran


One of my favorite moments each day is being able to start each morning by visiting the classrooms and observing all the great learning that is taking place.
During this week of December, as we get ready to continue and celebrate so many holidays, great teachers at ABC Preschool, like Ms. Ella, have taken the time to plan sharing some great stories with their students. I found Ms. Ella sharing some fun hands on activities that students will enjoy after their story time.

Ms. Ella really prepares the atmosphere for thinking and learning. Her questions not only allow students to think outside of the box or the regular "yes" or "no" answers, but she inspires them to be unique in their answers.

As she shared how she made her gingerbread girl, she invited students to share how they were going to create their own gingerbread boy or girl.

Students connected with Ms. Ella by adding that they also wanted to add glasses to their creations because Ms. Ella's was going to have glasses. One student said it looked yummy like a real cookie.

Student responses were taken further, allowing them to think of more creative ways to plan for their project after the story. Students went from being artistic according to the story and Ms. Ella's model, to thinking mathematically with patterns and shapes, comparing shapes and sizes.

If you ask me what learning looks like in a UPK classroom, this is exactly what it looks like. If your child is in Ms. Ella's classroom, you'll see what your child created this week.
Perhaps you can expand on today's lesson by asking your child to share with you all about the story, the different events in the life of the Gingerbread boy, or to tell you what steps they took to create their own gingerbread child.

You may even want to check out more "Gingerbread boy" stories at the library this week. There's great joy in books!

Blog Written by Angeline M Duran


As I walked in to Classroom #1 this morning, I had to sit down and join them for circle time. You may ask, "What were they getting ready to do?" Well, let me tell you that students were engaged in thinking about what they had previously learned in regards to Hanukkah. Ms. Crystal began her morning meeting with great thinking questions.

Students sang songs about different holidays last week in our holiday show. It was great to see them want to respond and share what they remember from previous lessons. Students were sharing about how candles are part of this tradition and that one candle it lit each night. Other students shared on how they get presents during Hanukkah.

Ms. Crystal then began her read aloud and students were part of each moment in her story time. They were active participants, listening and answering questions, but also making predictions about what they believed would happen next in the story.

During the month of December, parents can visit the NYC Library and check out the many different Hanukkah as well as other holiday books to read with their children at home.

Check out Hanukkah books to borrow from library:


Blog written by Angeline M Duran 

Friday, December 18, 2015


Here at ABC Preschool & Kindergarten, we take great pride in celebrating each of our student's development and progress. Our holiday program has taken music and movement along with literacy and language development to a new level. We applaud our students on being able to put on a spectacular performance. Kudos to Ms. Sylvia & Ms. Lafi's classroom. You teachers are awesome! Great job!!!

Our students know how to get the holiday started.
Poetry was wonderful!
Frosty the Snowman was dancing away.


Our teachers have taken so much time to make sure students learned about all the different holidays. Teachers also shared stories, songs, and beautiful poems. Wow! I wish you could have been there to see and listen to all the wonderful things they did.

Blog by Angeline M Duran


Here's a glimpse of what you missed yesterday if you were unable to attend our Holiday Show 2015.
Ms. Alina and Ms. Nelly's class were fabulous! These students were sharing and reciting. They knew their parts and brought smiles to all of us who were present.
Did you ever see more beautiful Christmas trees?

Students shared all about winter fun!

Snowchildren at ABC Preschool melt our hearts.

These holiday songs got us ready to dance.


Here at ABC, we look at all the aspects of healthy child development. As I watched these students, I saw how they are just blooming and growing so much. So proud of them all. Ms. Alina and Ms. Nelly, great job!

Did you come see our snow children?


Blog written by Angeline M Duran