Tuesday, December 22, 2015


ABC Preschool offers multiple opportunities for age appropriate activities. Students are immersed in activities that help them develop according to their age and individual needs. One of the things I love about being a part of the ABC Preschool family, is being able to walk into a classroom and catch them in complete action. That's just what happened when I visited Ms. Sylvia and Ms. Lidiya's classroom.

The music was awesome! Ms. Sylvia was in high energy mode leading students in music and movement. Students were listening and following directions, moving to the music and moving different parts of their bodies while also being able to move to the left, the right, front or back. 

Are these skills necessary and important in child development? Absolutely!

NYS Common Core Page 44 states:It is also important to consider the impact that physical development has on learning. As coordination improves and bones grow, children can undertake increasingly complex physical endeavors. They learn to roll over, to scoot or crawl, to walk, to run, and so on.

So, why Zumba? When teachers make movement fun, including age appropriate music with some great moves, children are exercising and getting those muscles to work. Our music and movement program is just an extension of many different ways we help our students develop and get ready for their next level in development.

Today I saw Domain 2 part 6 (Physical Fitness-page 13) in action. Students were engaged in large motor activities, strengthening major muscles and promoting balance and flexibility. Hey, the atmosphere was fantastic and while I took photos to remember this moment, my feet couldn't stay still. So, if your children are in Ms. Sylvia's classroom, they've really had a fun workout. They finished creating a cocoon and then immersing into butterflies that flew away to their seats ready for their next level of development. Great job, Ms. Sylvia!!!

Blog written by Angeline M Duran

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