Friday, January 29, 2016


I know that you wish you could be here right now and see what I am looking at. Snow. Lots of snow. But, not only snow, Ms. Kim's students are enjoying this beautiful snow right in the comfort of their classroom. Well, let's give a shout out to Ms. Darlene who went out into out snow covered playground and scooped up all this wonderful snow for our students.

Why is this a great activity to do with our preschoolers?

This is a time where they are learning through play and exploration. I began to ask them, "What is this? Is this mashed potatoes?" Giggles. "No! It's not mashed potatoes!" "Oh, I know, this is ice cream." I said again. "No, it's not ice cream!" was the reply.

"How does it feel?" I heard Ms. Kim asking the children to think, to wonder, to feel and explore the texture that was before them. This is how they learn, they remember and they come home talking about amazing moments in their classroom. #abcpreschoolny
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Blog Written By Angeline Duran

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


      Students in Room#7 were busy making snow in a warm classroom. Hey! That snow wasn't melting! Of course not, it's white paint and cotton balls for snowflakes. These children were enjoying working together, sharing, and creating their winter scene.


      Here's one student who was so proud of his work he made sure I took his photograph. Yes, Dylan, we are so proud of your amazing snow scene.

#abcpreschoolny  #abcpreschoolnysnow

Blog written by Angeline Duran


Students in Ms. Crystal's classroom were busy identifying all modes of transportation when I visited this morning. Ms. Crystal had a collection of transportation toys available as well as a ton of questions to really get students to think about their answers.

I remember yesterday morning when I was there, she has a wonderful chart she was putting together with her students that showed not only the different kinds of transportation, but where we would find them- AIR, WATER, LAND. This month's theme is all about getting from one place to another. As you spend time with your child this month, ask them to be on the look out for all kinds of traveling modes. Ask them to look up into the sky and tell you what they see. Ask them, "How come we don't see the airplane moving on the street?" or "Can we take a bus on a cloud? Tell me why or tell me more about why you think that."

Our learning moments are filled with so much, and music and movement don't stay behind. I loved it when I saw this great song up for students to use throughout their day.
Ask your child to teach you this song and maybe together you may want to add more transportation forms. Enjoy.

#abcpreschoolny #abcpreschoolnytransportation

Blog written by Angeline Duran


      Students in Ms. Ella's class were immersed in finger painting their favorite mode of transportation. They had just finished their morning circle time where they've been learning all about the many different kinds of transportation in our city. Just look at the chart at the bottom of this blog and you will be amazed at some of the words students will be able to share the moment you ask a question in regards to transportation.

I was listening to some of the conversations taking place in the classroom and some students were sharing about the details they were making or adding to their painting. Alessandro was showing me his truck and Quinn was working on making a jet airplane. I guess my favorite moment was when they  needed more of a visual reminder of what their mental image looked like and they asked Ms. Ella for assistance. It was a great moment to hear her pull them back and use each moment as a learning experience, taking them once more to the classroom chart.

Alessandro added details to his truck.

He was so proud to share with me his gigantic truck.

Quinn was really engaged with his jet but wanted to really add more details and make it so much more like the one on the classroom chart. He was completely engaged in conversation with Ms. Ella about what shapes could be used to really make his jet come to life.

Students were referring back to the classroom chart, to the lessons they've had this week, and reviewing conversations about transportation with Ms. Ella and one another. As a school that has been chosen to have the Social and Emotional Track this year, I am a witness to the wonderful ways students are working together, reaching out to help one another, listening to each other and making one another feel really important when they ask questions, have something to say or have something like their amazing work to share. Great job, teachers!!!!

#abcpreschoolny #transportation #abcpreschoolnytransportation
Blog written by Angeline Duran


      Something magical happens when you walk into a classroom and observe children thinking about their answers. I can tell that Ms. Samantha was engaged in sharing with students about all the different forms of transportation in our city. Ms. Samantha started out with a blank slate, a chart paper with no pictures on it, except words- Land, Water, Air. Throughout her lesson, she invited students to share where they have seen or experienced any of these different forms of transportation. As the children shared, pictures where placed where students indicated they should go.

Ms. Samantha asked students to share which transportation was used for water and Angelina said, "A cruise ship." It's great to see that we can take students beyond the "boat" answer by exposing them to vocabulary through pictures, discussions, visuals, and experience. Children are so ready to absorb and learn.

       Here's the chart created in class today. Maybe you can use it at home and create questions for your child to answer. You may want to cut out your own pictures and have three separate sheets of paper, labeled AIR, WATER, LAND and invite your children to enjoy sorting the pictures and placing them where they belong. Visit the library and take out books on transportation this month. Enjoy learning with your child.

#abcpreschoolny #transportation
Blog written by Angeline Duran