Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Students in Ms. Crystal's classroom were busy identifying all modes of transportation when I visited this morning. Ms. Crystal had a collection of transportation toys available as well as a ton of questions to really get students to think about their answers.

I remember yesterday morning when I was there, she has a wonderful chart she was putting together with her students that showed not only the different kinds of transportation, but where we would find them- AIR, WATER, LAND. This month's theme is all about getting from one place to another. As you spend time with your child this month, ask them to be on the look out for all kinds of traveling modes. Ask them to look up into the sky and tell you what they see. Ask them, "How come we don't see the airplane moving on the street?" or "Can we take a bus on a cloud? Tell me why or tell me more about why you think that."

Our learning moments are filled with so much, and music and movement don't stay behind. I loved it when I saw this great song up for students to use throughout their day.
Ask your child to teach you this song and maybe together you may want to add more transportation forms. Enjoy.

#abcpreschoolny #abcpreschoolnytransportation

Blog written by Angeline Duran

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