Wednesday, January 6, 2016


      Something magical happens when you walk into a classroom and observe children thinking about their answers. I can tell that Ms. Samantha was engaged in sharing with students about all the different forms of transportation in our city. Ms. Samantha started out with a blank slate, a chart paper with no pictures on it, except words- Land, Water, Air. Throughout her lesson, she invited students to share where they have seen or experienced any of these different forms of transportation. As the children shared, pictures where placed where students indicated they should go.

Ms. Samantha asked students to share which transportation was used for water and Angelina said, "A cruise ship." It's great to see that we can take students beyond the "boat" answer by exposing them to vocabulary through pictures, discussions, visuals, and experience. Children are so ready to absorb and learn.

       Here's the chart created in class today. Maybe you can use it at home and create questions for your child to answer. You may want to cut out your own pictures and have three separate sheets of paper, labeled AIR, WATER, LAND and invite your children to enjoy sorting the pictures and placing them where they belong. Visit the library and take out books on transportation this month. Enjoy learning with your child.

#abcpreschoolny #transportation
Blog written by Angeline Duran

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